Bob Ross Remixed | Happy Little Clouds

Every time I check my Car Danchi 6 teaser on YouTube this video comes up in the related list! Random but I am pretty stoked because Bob Ross is the man! “Believe”

Check out this video on YouTube:

New teasers starting to drop

Right now I am working hard to complete the new Car Danchi 6 trailer or teaser which should be appearing on YouTube within a week. This is the season for snowboard movie trailers, everyday some production company seems to be announcing the upcoming release of their new flick. It is always fun to watch and seem how people try to find a slightly new way to say basically the same thing every year. With the advances in camera technology now it is incredible to watch the slow motion/wire cam/heli steady cam/whatever being put to use. You won’t find any of that in my teaser or film, but hopefully I am making up the difference with some flow and a little story.

Anyway check out our Car Danchi friends the True Color Films latest teaser for their new flick “Day by Day” They came to Hokkaido again this last winter and spent another good week with Shinya who guided them around. Great crew, great people looking forward to the film and the Japan footage!

DAY by DAY TEASER from True Color Films on Vimeo.

Putting together the puzzle

Sorry for the lack of updates here on the blog, I have been locking myself in the editing studio everyday and night working on the new Car Danchi 6 movie. The editing process is always a tough one as I do every single thing myself and of course there is a deadline that adds some pressure! I am working with the new version of Final Cut X and I am liking it. I guess you have to like something that you stare at for 16 hours a day right?

Editing is a very personal thing, I think everyone probably has a slightly different editing style depending on what the end project is and how they like to organize their work flow. I never went to editing school, I just read the Final Cut manuals and watched tons of tutorials on YouTube. That will teach you the technical details of the software but it doesn’t teach you how to edit a movie. Flow, rhythm, and holding the viewer attention is something you just have to feel as you go along. The new software seems to have its haters, but it is working really good for me right now. The speed with which I can get a rough edit organized has increased a lot! The magnetic timeline is a brilliant feature I love it. Hopefully you will be able to see the benefits in the final version of the next Car Danchi.

I know most of you are probably not interested editing software, but just to give you an idea of what my days are like here are a few tutorials for you! Put on your seatbelt, it is pretty exciting stuff!

Ok I will though on one clip that is a little more entertaining. The new DC Shoes Ken Block movie! Gymkana 5 filmed on the streets of San Francisco. Incredible! I don’t know if this was edited with Final Cut X or not, but regardless the editing is