Final Blog post for 2011

Lets end 2011 blogging on a nice note.  A musical note.  A classic and timeless track from the Beatles.  There was certainly a lot of turmoil and suffering in this year 2011, with Earthquakes and Tsunami’s and Nuclear Disasters topping the list here in Japan.  So lets all keep this message in our thoughts as we enter and new year and a new chance to make things right.

Thanks for following the blog this year and I look forward to seeing you all in the new year!

TNF Weekend Highlife

THE NORTH FACE Weekend Highlife tour is back for 2012!  I will be joining the tour as official photographer so I hope you can join us to ride some powder in Niseko!  Tomoki and the TNF Snow team will be leading the tour so you know we will be riding in the best spots!  Hope to see you there!





開催日時 2012年2月17日(金)~19日(日) 2泊3日

3-6人部屋利用の場合 59,800円
2人部屋利用(希望)の場合 63300円

宿泊予定 ニセコノーザンリゾート・アンヌプリ
048-1511 北海道虻田郡ニセコ町字ニセコ480-1

参加資格 ゲレンデをスムーズにライディングできるスノーボーダー、スキーヤーの男女(バックカントリー入門者可)

募集定員 30名(最小催行人員10名)

参加予定ライダー 高久智基、小松吾郎、豊田貢、下村基樹、その他

午前8時頃羽田空港集合、航空機にて札幌 千歳空港へ。千歳空港より送迎車にてニセコへ。 到着後フリーライド(*リフトパス別料金)

19:30より「This Is My Winter」上映会、パーティーを開催致します。

朝食前 特別営業のリフトでTNFライダーとファーストトラックセッション。朝食後フリーライド(*リフトパス別料金)

東京 03-3341-0030
大阪 06-6946-9111

The most hardcore

Check out this guy we discovered on the road two days ago.  I have named him Mr.Bear because of the stuffed animal strapped to the back of his bike.

We followed him for at least 15 minutes, watching him slip and slide along at about 17 kilometers per hour.  He was riding a Monkey bike 50cc with a back pack and plastic case.  His plates said his was from Yokohama and we wondered where he was going.  Finally we pulled up next to him and shouted, “where are you going”  His answer was simply “Furano”  Now you have to understand Furano is a 3 hour drive from that point in a car on a good day.  This was in the middle of one of the worst storms I have ever seen on hardcore driving conditions in a near white out.  I can only hope that Mr. Bear made it to Furano!

Respect to the hardcore.


We are having a record snow year here in Japan here is a little evidence.

“Jack the Movie”

Check it out, I have started a new project for 2012 together with Blueblood here in Japan. WE WANT YOUR FOOTAGE of snowboarding! Shoot yourself, your friends, your dog snowboarding whatever, then post it to YouTube or Vimeo and send us the link. If selected your footage gets used in a new movie called “Jack the Movie” to be released next year. Check out the details on the flyer below then get out there with your camera and get some shots over the New Year holidays!

Car Danchi Christmas gift!!!

Still looking for a stocking stuffer or gift for that snow loving friend? Want to get something unusual and hard to find in North America? Does your friend babble on about Powder lines, Japan, and sleeping in Cars? Then this is the perfect gift! A copy of the latest edition from the “Car Danchi” series!

Car Danchi NO.5 is now on sale in the USA. There is still time to get one before Christmas! Order your copy today from Outdoor-nut

Until now if you wanted a copy of Car Danchi in the USA or Canada you either had to fly to Japan to get one or resort to less than legal mean to procure a hard copy. Well finally we have made things easier and don’t have to feel guilty about hitting that download button! Buy it from the source! The Official Car Danchi store for North America. Car Danchi NO.5 is the only movie on sale right now, but stay tuned as we are looking to add more product soon including previous editions of the movie and more.

Length: 45 minutes and some secret bonus!

Price: $35.00

Sold through the Outdoor-nut in North America

Haruki Takeuchi
Hayato Doi
Hideki Takeda
Hiroshi Fujiwara
Katsushi Matsui
Kazushi Yamauchi
Ken Shibuya
Masanori Takeuchi
Motoki Shimomura
Shinya Nakagawa
Shunsuke Hoshino
Takaharu Nakai
Takaku Tomoki
Takamasa Imai
Yoshinari Uemura
Yuusuke Mino
Yuta Kiyohara
Yuta Kobayashi
Yuu Nishiyama
& Terje

The Music featured in the movie is all produced by Japanese or artists residing in Japan. From straight funk, to more ambient tracks every track is one you will want to include in your library.

Music by: Hiroshi Fujiwara, Higashida Tomohiro, Kuniyuki Takahashi, DJ Sebastien aka Seboo, L.E.D., 9dw, KINGDOM AFROCKS, Pampas Field Ass Kickers

Keep your engines running, we are keeping the dream alive! The ultimate snowboarding lifestyle powder movie is back, after a two-year recharge! In this year 2011 even natural disasters and nuclear meltdowns could not stop this crew of determined dreamers. We drove, found and filmed the best powder spots in Japan, and we want to share it with you. A snowboard movie like no other, showcasing the “Art of the turn” in glorious powder definition, enjoy 50 minutes of winter bliss, and keep on dreaming!

The Car Danchi series is always filmed at the best backcountry and side country locations around Japan. The famous spots like Niseko and Nagano are covered, but we also try to find new and unknown backcountry locations. This season we found some great spots in Niigata while cat boarding, Asahidake and even some great spring riding in Niseko’s Annupuri area.

Locations: Niseko, Furano, Asahidake, Tazawako, Hakuba, HakkodaTomamu

Next stop Sapporo!

Fukuoka was a great start for the “This Is My Winter” Japan tour. We had a great crowd of Fukuoka locals and snow lovers show up to watch the movie. Both the experienced crowd and the people who have never even been on a snowboard before, were both amazed by Xavier and the film. It was a lot of fun hanging out with everyone until close to midnight at the store.

Next stop is Sapporo! It is going to be a good night so please come and check it out. It does not get much better. Free movie, free beer and like-minded people! Come by subway so you can drink!

A couple shots from the Fukuoka store.