Car Danchi live on Ustream

The Car Danchi NO.5 movie showing in Tokyo tomorrow night will be broad cast live on Ustream check it out.

10/1日(土)「車団地5 CAR DANCHI5」のプレミア・ショーがUstreamで観れる!!
 10/1日(土)の20:30から東京の神田神保町にあるFOLIOにて開催される、カーダンチクルーが2年ぶりの新作「車団地5 CAR DANCHI5」のリリースを記念したプレミア・ショーですが、Ustream中継されることが決定しました!!
スノーボード・サイト「Snowcasting Ollie Nollie」の協力で、「オリノリTV LIVE」というチャンネルで観ることが出来ます。

100% 原発反対

My wife found a great blog by a Japanese guy named Kazumoto Iguchi he has a ton of posts with relevant info concerning Fukushima Daiichi and the sad state we find ourselves in. Some of it is a little far out, but there is a lot of good stuff, I have picked a few good ones to post here.

First up another great Ustream recorded program. What would we do without Ustream? A great interview with a Professor from Kyoto University. He lays it on the line concerning Fukushima and worst case scenarios, plus talks a lot about why Nuclear power is not needed to supply energy to the masses.

The more I learn about this whole scam to more shocked I become. We have been so fooled for so long. I was born and raised completely in the Atomic age, this is all I have ever known. I just took it all for granted, I figured that the people in charge knew what they were doing and that they were making the right decisions for us. I could not have been more wrong. We have all been rudely awaken from this Nuclear dream now, please take a moment to watch some of these films and learn what we are dealing with.

We are so far up shit creek without a paddle it is not even funny.

Now here is our new theme song for 2011.

and last but not least here is an ultra classic from one of Japan’s greatest rock and roll stars. Kiyoshirou who died two years ago at the young age of 58. This footage is at least more than 20 years old. He sings “Love Me Tender” but changes all the lyrics and turns it into a powerful anti Nuclear Power song. It is truly brilliant and I think he was way ahead of his time with this one.

Repost, tweet, Facebook it get it out there!