Yamada Hiroyuki book and gallery

Long time friend and photographer Yamada Hiroyuki is releasing a book and gallery showing at Bueno Books in Tokyo. He takes fantastic photos and is one of my favorite Japanese photographers, check it out if you are near by while the gallery is on display.

For more info click here to go to the Bueno Books site.


Tuesday / Hiroyuki Yamada
118 pages /4C
¥2,100(tax included)
4月20日 Bueno!Books発行


なお、写真集の発売を記念してSLOPE GALLERYにて4/20(金)~5/29(火)にて写真展を開催致します。

BLUETiFUL exhibition

Thanks to all who came out for the opening reception at Slope Gallery on Tuesday.  Finally I am back home after a long trip and I have a few photos to share from the exhibition.  This is for those of  you who won’t be able to make it to Slope Gallery before December the 28th!

Over view shot of the whole gallery.  Yes I painted the mountain lines you see on the wall.  Nice to be able to paint directly on the wall of a gallery.  The Slope Gallery management very cool and liberal.  After each exhibition they paint over the walls.  The 20 pictures you see on the walls are actual copies of the books mounted directly to the wall.  The left page features a sequence photo of Ken Shibuya from about 7 or 8 years ago.  When you flip through the book quickly you can see his riding come to life like a comic strip.  I wanted to express that and feature that section in the gallery, so I thought there is no better way then just showing the book!

I put foot markings at two spots on the floor because if you stand right there and look left…..

The sequence lines up very nicely!

I also made four large A1 size prints and had them mounted back to back.  The carpenter Otomo made some beautiful teak wood frame that look great.  From the inside of the gallery you can see these two shots I made of Mt. Yotei.  They are actually landscape photos that have been trimmed to fit vertical in the A1 size.

And there it is lots of  copies of Bluetiful on desplay and for sale at the gallery.  If you are in the harajuku area before the 28th of this month please stop by and check it out!

Here is a closer look at how the books are attached to the wall.  Very simple screw and washer set up straight through the binding of the book!

Slope Gallery link!

Blog post on the Bueno! Books site

BLUETiFUL news and links

Lots of blogs and websites are posting info about my book “BLUETiFUL” release.  thought I would share a couple of the links here.



Champion Visions



Even Enjoy Tokyo website is posting


React Magazine




Shinya’s blog


Sapporo Life


Uemura blog


Diggin Mag


Nagai Takumi


You can buy BLUETiFUL here



I also found out that there is a BLUETiFUL the clown in San Diego California


Then I found this epic song with the same title “Blue-tiful”

“Its a bluetiful day”

“Its a bluetiful world”!!



Bueno! Books and events upcoming

Time to introduce you to the company that is publishing my book. Check out the website for Bueno!Books. They specialize in board culture and make really really cool art books and projects. They also have a gallery on the first floor of the building, and I will be having a gallery showing there from the 7th of December. More info about that below.  The book officially goes on sale on the 27th of November, but it looks like you can already order a copy or pick one up at the Gallery.

There is a full section just on my book which features a list of upcoming events etc., Check that out here. www.buenobooks.com/neilhartmann

The good news is that Bueno! Books accepts international orders! If you would like to get a copy of my book, or any of the other cool books that they sell, check out this page for details. It will take a few emails to sort out your order, but you will get what you ask for and it will be worth it. The quality of the printing and books is world class!

If you would like to go to a shop and pick up a copy they have an extensive list of shops around Japan that feature Bueno! Books titles.  Check out the list on this page.


But you know what? I think the best thing to do, if you are living in Japan, is to go directly to the online shop and order up a copy in time for the beginning of the snow season! While you are there, check out some of the other great titles they have. Let’s just say that I am in very good company! In fact, it is an honor and a pleasure to be included with some of the best board culture photographers from Japan and around the world. Not sure if I deserve to be in there yet, but if sure feels good anyway!


Connection day

Today was one of those days where I just went with the flow the entire day and was treated to a series of connections with old friends and new.  I flew to Tokyo on the 8:30am flight, slept the whole way, then watched some podcasts on the train to Shibuya, and from there it was  non-stop action.

Now lets run through the day.

Approaching Tokyo, one can see rice fields, rivers and the outlying areas of the greater Kanto area.

The ever present golf course in Japan. Someday I should try counting how many I can see on a clear day between Tokyo and Sapporo.

It’s better than high rises or factories that is for sure.

Tokyo Bay.

Humans certainly have an amazing ability to build stuff, and it always becomes more apparent from the air.

Manmade island near Haneda airport.

Now check this out, I got off the train in Shibuya just in time to see the fashion blunder of the day.  August 31st in Tokyo, and let me tell you it was hot.  I mean really f***ing hot.  This girl was obviously trying to get a jump start on the fall fashions, and wanted to make sure she was the hottest one around.

New H&M store in Shibuya near Bunka Mura and Labi electronics store.  Say sayonara to the small apparel retailers in the area!

Shibuya parking, you take what you can find.

Arrival at Nomade office to check photos with art director Shiratani.  We are working on a photo/coffee table book commemorating 10 years with the Blueblood brand.  Today was the final meeting to check my photo selection and decide if the book was going to happen or not.  Shiratani-san had borrowed a slide projector from Higai-san, a legendary Japanese photog.  He projected my photos on the wall to check them out.

Ahhh film,  I love it! What a pleasure to sit in a room and project photos on a white wall!  I think I am going to have to buy a slide projector.  I still have the one my parents gave me, but it has a tendency to eat slides!

The office of Shiratani-san is pretty much a dreamland for book/photo lovers.  This man is incredibly passionate about book/printing/design and it is a great pleasure to listen to him talk about all things print related. I learned that the greatest printing company in the world is in Germany.  I didn’t know that.

There is a lot going on in this office!

Next up, we stopped by the Slope Gallery and check out who walked in the door.  RIP!  One of my favorite photographers, RIP just came out with a cool new book entitled “Night Rider”  a 20 page piece featuring photos from Niseko night riding.  Great book, super quality printing, and the best part, I remember meeting RIP the very day that he shot those photos in Niseko.  I even blogged about it.

Sorry for the crappy photo…. This is Yamamoto Taisuke legendary Japanese surf photographer.  He stopped by to sign copies of his new book  “Dedication”

Taisuke Yokoyama [PHOTOGRAPHY]
Born in Tokyo in 1948, Taisuke Yokoyama now resides in Kamakura and works as a photographer. The pictures he took of the waves at Inamuragasaki when he was at university kick-started his career in photography. During the 30 years since, he has continued to release works of art, specializing in portraits of surfers. Besides his work as a portrait cameraman he also serves as the senior photographer for Surfing Life magazine. Meanwhile his surfing is of a professional level. However, his photographic subjects so far have not just been surfers. He has also taken pictures of numerous celebrities including musicians, artists, and Hollywood stars. Recently he has worked on a photo collection of actor Kenji Sakaguchi, Taisuke Yokoyama, son of satirical manga cartoonist Taizo Yokoyama, and nephew of Ryuichi Yokoyama, the manga artist nationally famous for his work Fuku-chan.

All of us helped to lay out the books waiting for the ink to dry.

Here is the book, set for release on September the  10th.

After dinner and a nice conversation with the Bueno Books family it was time to go meet Biyajima Shin.  Japanese pro boarder just off the plane from NZ.  About two weeks ago he placed 2nd in the World Heli Challenge! He came in second to Travis Rice, so you know he is doing some serious riding. Conditions were very hard from what he told me. Check out the video below for a little taste. Congratulations Shin!

Yo, gotta go. It’s check out time!